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Diary of an autist

My blog which gives my unique take on the world I see, feel and perceive around me. An insight to the mind of a young man on the autism spectrum that had to do things the hard way. I see it as my gift, my skill, and I want to share it with others!

This will be my space to write about anything, ranging from being on the autism spectrum, my love for history, my passion for languages and travelling, my attempts to write poetry, and much, much more!

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Easter update and cold showers!

I must admit, I really do love this time of year. For me, there’s nothing quite like it. I love the Spring. I love seeing the world come...

2022 in review: the good, the bad, and the lucky

Three Kings write-up I think that we as a species often look forward, we look ahead to try and have an idea of where we’re going, or what...

This time of year, Samhain, Hallowe’en, and so on

So this little blog is about how I feel and perceive this time of year. I have to admit, in the past, I haven’t always been a fan of...

Autism for me as a worker

Autism for me as a worker I haven’t written for some time as life has had many challenges thrown my way over the past few months. I...

Autumn musings, November 2021

Well, here it is... my first ever attempt to write a blog of some kind! I've long been told that I'm a writer or that I have the gift of...

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